Private Lessons
Having a significant portion of students taking private lessons from a specialist on their specific instrument is a key component to a successful band program, and we strongly encourage this for all of our band students. Below is a list of lessons teachers that we recommend.
Tammi Powell - Flute- magicitymusicstudio@yahoo.com 205-533-3333
Karla Roberts (comes to Simmons)- Flute and Saxophone- auburntiger084@gmail.com 205-639-4552
Anna Stoney- Clarinet (comes to Simmons)- anstny@gmail.com 205-253-6640
Tabitha Robinson- Clarinet- tabitharobinson09@gmail.com
Angelica Malkowski- Flute/Oboe/Saxophone (comes to Simmons)- aema813@gmail.com 859-684-3958
Siobhan Ciulla- (comes to Simmons) Oboe smb14n@my.fsu.edu
Matthew Huff- (comes to Simmons) Bassoon- matthewhuff@bellsouth.net
Cynthia Chambless (comes to Simmons)- French Horn- cynthia.ellen.simpson@gmail.com
James Baker- French Horn- 205-540-5468
Joseph Smith- (comes to Simmons) Trumpet- 205-960-7269
Harry McAfee - Trumpet AND French Horn- hmcafee@charter.net 205-516-3909
**Nicholas Ciulla- Trumpet- npctrpt@gmail.com- 330-416-6712
Anthony Strickland- trombone/baritone- bigstrick2540@gmail.com
Alex Taylor- tuba/baritone/trombone- alexrtaylor3@gmail.com 205-613-3357
Rowdy Giles (comes to Simmons)- tuba/baritone/trombone- rowdygiles@gmail.com 205-541-6870
Chris Moore (comes to Simmons)- percussion-vibeman@bellsouth.net
Chanse Nelson- percussion c2nelson@shelbyed.org
**=Alabama Symphony Member